About Jib
May I introduce myself?
My nickname is “Jib” and that means “easy going” in Thai. I was born in 1984, in the Kingdom of Thailand, guess how old I am this year :D. In 2008, I decided to move to Paris, and I’ve been living a Parisian life ever since. I have French nationality in 2015.

What have I been doing here?
I was a new graduate student when arrive Paris, I first got a job as an internship in a marketing company. With the willing to grasp the spirit of the French culture, I joined the French Civilization and Language Course at La Sorbonne. After 3 years, I began to like Paris more and more and getting good at visiting the town as a local. That is why I wanna show you around!
When was Paris Jib Trip started?
It was started in March 2012 (eight months right after my kid was born). What a supermom, hahaha! Paris Jib Trip is a small business that organizes tour in Paris with a will to provide care and quality services that are only possible among small groups. So next time you think about Paris, think about Paris Jib Trip… See ya!